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Sedation Dentistry Can Help You Relax During Your Dental Treatment

Sedation dentistry can be administered orally, through an I.V. or by inhaling nitrous oxide gas before and during a dental appointment. Sedation dentistry allows the patient to lose a certain level of consciousness throughout the procedure, helping them to relax and remain comfortable. It works great for patients who are scared of the dentist or who need to have a complicated procedure done.

Oral sedation dentistry is safe to use for any type of dental treatment. It requires the patient to take one dose of medicine the night before their treatment, and another dose one hour before their appointment. By the end of the treatment, patients remember very little from their appointment and the effects of the drugs usually wear off within a day.

Sedation dentistry through nitrous oxide gas or laughing gas is administered by putting a mask on the patient’s nose, which relaxes the patient throughout the procedure. After the procedure is over, the patient is given pure oxygen to breath for about five minutes, which reverses the effects of the gas. Nitrous oxide gas can be taken along with an oral sedative if required.

I.V. (intravenous) sedation dentistry is recommended for complex or painful procedures, such as wisdom teeth extractions.  During the procedure, patients are completely asleep and deeply sedated. Patients usually have no memory of the procedure when they wake up.

What Are The Benefits Of Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is a great way to eliminate any additional pain or discomfort that a patient may experience during a dental treatment, especially if the treatment is painful or complex like surgery or an extraction.

Sedation dentistry is usually recommended for patients who have:

  • high fear
  • traumatic dental experiences
  • difficulty getting numb
  • a bad gag reflex
  • very sensitive teeth
  • complex dental problems
  • limited time to complete dental care

Does Sedation Dentistry Have Any Side Effects?

Sedation dentistry is administered by a trained and experience professional. During your procedure, dentists take extra care to make sure that you are comfortable by monitoring your blood pressure, pulse, oxygen saturation and respiratory rates.

To avoid any risks that may be associated with sedation dentistry, make sure you disclose all the medication you are currently taking to your dentist prior to your procedure. A common risk associated with sedation dentistry is the possible side effects that arise from the sedative combining with certain types of medication.

A patient being left with no memory of their procedure is another risk associated with sedation dentistry, although this one can be positive or negative depending on how you see it. Lastly, the sedative takes a while to wear off so it is recommended that the patient bring someone with them to the appointment so that person can drive them home after the procedure.

If you would like to learn more about sedation dentistry, book your FREE sedation dentistry consultation at one of our 123Dentist locations today!