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What are Inlays and Onlays?

Inlays and onlays are an aesthetic alternative to fillings that allow your teeth to keep their natural look. This treatment option is usually recommended for those who suffer from tooth decay.  After the tooth is cleaned, the inlay is the filling that is put inside your tooth and the onlay is the sealant that is applied to the surface of your tooth. Together, they work towards reducing the damages of tooth decay to keep your teeth healthy and clean.

The Process

Putting inlays and onlays onto your teeth takes two appointments.

During the first appointment, your teeth are cleaned and impressions of your teeth are taken and sent to the lab to create your inlay or onlay from porcelain, gold or resins. During your second appointment, your inlay and onlay are placed into your teeth and cemented. Your dentist will then check your teeth to make sure the fit is comfortable for you.

The Benefits

Inlays and onlays have several benefits:

  • They are made from high quality material.
  • They are extremely durable and can last for many years with proper care.
  • They can treat your tooth decay while preserving the structure of your tooth.
  • They can eliminate tooth sensitivity and tooth loss.

The Risks

Most of the risks for inlays and onlays are associated with the anesthetic that is used to numb the area around the tooth. This allows dentists to properly clean and prepare your tooth for the inlay and onlay while you can rest comfortably in the dentist’s chair. If you are taking any medication that may react to anesthetic, make sure to inform your dentist before the treatment.

Looking to learn more about inlays and onlays? Visit a 123Dentist location today! An experienced dentist will be happy to have any questions you may have.