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How Often Should I See My Dentist For Healthy Teeth?

When you go in for a cleaning, you want to make sure your teeth are clean and healthy. Our 123Dentist.com Community Network recommends that you visit your dentist at least every 6 months for a regular cleaning and check-up appointment. If your dentist or hygienist recommends that you come in more often for a cleaning, it is most likely based on your current oral health concerns.

How Regular Cleanings Can Keep Your Teeth Healthy

There are several benefits to having your teeth regularly cleaned. Regular cleanings can help identify the problems in your mouth before they become a bigger issue. Your dentist and hygienist go through a process of thoroughly checking your mouth for any abnormalities or areas for concern during your cleaning. The more regular you are with your cleanings, the more often your mouth gets checked regularly for early signs of oral health concerns—which can save you time and money in the long run.

During your cleaning, your hygienist also removes the soft build-up on your teeth, called plaque, and the hard deposits of plaque on your teeth called tartar—giving your teeth that smooth, clean feeling at the end of your cleaning appointment. Your hygienist will also clean between your teeth and around your gums to ensure they are clean. Having your plaque regularly removed from your teeth can help prevent many oral health concerns such as gum disease and tooth decay.

These are just a few of the many benefits regular cleanings can provide for your teeth. Everyone has their own personal reasons for regularly cleaning their teeth, which are also important.

Reasons Why You Would Need To Have Cleanings More Often

The number of cleanings recommended to you by your health professional is related to factors like your age, personal oral-hygiene practices, any medical conditions like diabetes or HIV, and any medication that you might be taking.

Another factor that plays an important role in determining how often you need cleanings is the current condition of your oral health. If you have gum disease, for instance, you would need to have your cleanings more often to make sure it doesn’t progress into periodontal disease.

If you have any questions about the frequency of your cleanings, visit a 123Dentist.com location today, we would be happy to help!