
Evergreen Dental Centre

Open Today( 9:00AM – 7:00PM )Book   OnlineWe’re accepting new patients!

We’re located in the Evergreen Mall in Surrey on the Corner of 152nd St & Fraser Hwy. We offer a variety of services including: Oral & Nitrous Sedation, Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Implants, Crowns & Bridges, Veneers, Endodontics and more.

Our mission is to provide a LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE IN DENTISTRY! Our goal is to meet the needs of the individual and offer the best possible alternatives to your Oral Health. Come visit us Today!

Our talented teamRequest Appointment
  • Dr. Rahim JamalDr. Rahim JamalGeneral Dentist
  • Dr. Jessica BainsGeneral Dentist
  • Dr. Simran KandolaGeneral Dentist
  • Dr. Punam GadekarGeneral Dentist
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