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Get Rid Of Your Dental Fears/Phobias

A fear or phobia of the dentist is a big reason why people avoid their regular check-up and cleaning appointments, which can have a big effect on their oral health. Dental fears can also be passed down from parent to child.

Not taking proper care of your teeth can have an effect on your gums and teeth; affecting your smile, ability to chew your food, or your speech. Poor oral health can also affect your overall health.

There can be several reasons why you could be affected by dental phobias as your fears could have several sources.  Check out our section below to see if you are affected by dental phobias or fears.

Are you affected by dental phobia?

Here are some questions to help you figure out if this problem affects you:

  • Do you recall a previous visit to the dentist that was unpleasant?
  • Are you concerned that you will be embarrassed as a result of remarks the dentist will make due to the state of your oral health?
  • Do you avoid your appointment with the dentist due to an uneasy feeling prior to your dental visit?
  • Do you feel anxious while in the waiting area of the dental practice?
  • Do you have feelings of uneasiness or tension whilst in the dental chair?
  • Does the sight of dental instruments invoke unpleasant feelings?
  • Do you feel ill or anxiety at the thought of an injection?
  • Do objects placed in your mouth during the dental visit make you panic and feel like you cannot breathe correctly?
  • Do you feel that your dentist is unsympathetic only with you?


How to deal with your dental fears/phobias

If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to several of the questions above, you may have fears or phobias associated with the dental office or your dentist. If you do, here are some helpful tips that could help you during your next dental appointment.

  • Be honest with your dentist about your dental fears—If your dentist knows what your fears are, he or she can explain the procedure and help you through the process. Open communication and knowledge is the key to overcoming you dental fears.
  • Use relaxation techniques—Relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises can help you relax at the dentist’s office.
  • Distraction techniques—Distraction techniques such as listening to music or watching TV in your dental chair can help take away some of the fear during your dental appointment.
  • Sedation dentistry—We at 123Dentist.com can give you sedation treatments to help you relax and be comfortable during your dental appointment. Depending on the degree of your dental fear or phobia and the dental treatment, your dentist can provide you with several options. A commonly used form of sedation dentistry is nitrous oxide, also known as “laughing gas“.

We at 123Dentist.com would be happy to help you with any dental fear or phobia you have!

If you have any dental fears or phobias, visit a 123Dentist.com location today! A health professional would be happy to go through your options with you to make your next dental visit relaxing and comfortable.